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Brought to you by GeeTee Holdings Inc.
May 30, May 31, June 1, 2025
Check out all the fun challenges and activities we have planned for this year!
Challenge your tummy and taste buds and enter the Chicken Wing Eating Contest at Chickendaze. Saturday May 31st. There will be three division, with one winner for each age category:
Kids 10-13; 14-17 and an Adult (18+) First 12 in each age group to sign up will be entered. The sign up sheets will be located at the Chickenbuck station. An announcement will be made in the Barnyard about an hour before the contest starts, so come on down for 4:00pm and sign up for a chance to eat your way to awesome prizes ..... and more importantly - bragging rights!
Chicken Wing Eating Contest
Chickendaze is famous for its Chicken Races! Come out and cheer on your favourite bird!
The chickens involved in our races are loved, nurtured and protected. They are training hard for the races of 2025!
See the schedule page for race times.
Chicken Races
Have fun and be creative!
NOTE: Downloaded entries must include both pages stapled together. These can be dropped off at the Springfield Dental Centre in Oakbank.
Hey kids! Do you like to colour? Do you love rides on the midway? Have some fun with the Chickendaze Colouring Contest, sponsored by Springfield Dental Center, and you just might win a midway wristband for the Select Shows Rides (one wristband each for Kindergarten/Gr1, Gr2/Gr3, and Gr4/Gr5).
Other fun prizes are available for 2nd and 3rd place winners. Prizes will also be awarded to preschool kids for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
The Colouring Contest Page can be downloaded below and will be given to Oakbank, Hazelridge, Anola and Dugald Elementary Schools as well as Oakbank Kids Korner, Springfield Tiny Tots in Oakbank, and both Dugald Day Cares.
Colouring Contest
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